Tips on running effective virtual meetings


Over the past year, Business Analysts like many other professionals have found themselves working remotely and as such running a lot of virtual meetings. Meetings are held to elicit requirements, reach decisions, and clarify business problems / needs or opportunities. In this post The Skilled Business Analyst outlines tips for running effective virtual meetings.

 Before the meeting

Meeting preparation and planning is key for Business Analysts. We recommend that before a meeting Business Analysts use the following guidelines:

  • Why? Ask yourself what outcomes you are expecting from the meeting?
  • Who? Select the right people for the meeting.
  • What? Draft the agenda ensuring it meets the outcomes.
  • When? Schedule the meeting at a time that is convenient for all.

During the meeting

During the meeting the Business Analyst must make use of the following:

  • Virtual Parking Board
  • Use as much visual aids as possible as the meeting is being conducted remotely.
  • Use round robin technique to allow everyone in the meeting to participate.
  • Encourage participants to switch on their camera as this will allow more engagement and participation.

After the meeting

After the meeting, its important to send a summary of the discussion points to the stakeholders. This will level set with the stakeholders and ensure you are all on the same page. Ensure you outline any key decisions that were agreed to, and for any unresolved items, highlight next steps to address the issues.


In closing, meeting planning starts well in advance of scheduling the meeting. Ensure to follow these guidelines the next time you think of scheduling a meeting. Contact The Skilled Business Analyst to see how we can help you take your career to the next level.


Yours in Analysis


BA Trainer / Instructor

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